NW REGIONAL LIONS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE CURRICULUMAs a participant in the Northwest Lions Leadership Institute, you will have the opportunity for growth in Lionism and personal or individual development. The workshops are designed to give you hands-on skills and experience in the following:
Diversity: will address the dimensions of diversity and the benefits it can provide for clubs. Participants will learn strategies for overcoming challenges and ways to create a climate that supports diversity.
Lions Fundamentals: will provide participants with a complete understanding of the association's history, principles, and structure, while also exploring the benefits of membership.
Local Issues and Opportunities: will provide the opportunity for a formal training session or a topic-specific discussion based on the needs and/or interests of the participants.
Motivating Club Members: will examine personal needs and motivation, and suggest actions that can create or inhibit motivation.
Personal Mission Statement: will lead participants through a series of activities to assist them in developing their own personal mission statement.
Public Speaking: will give the Lions leader a framework for preparing speeches and some guidelines for effective delivery.
Setting and Reaching Club Goals: will emphasize the value of establishing goals to guide actions, and provides a system for planning the achievement of established goals.
Time Management: will review the importance of time management, discusses some of the obstacles that can make time management difficult, and identifies strategies that will help participants overcome those obstacles.
Working in Teams: is designed to familiarize participants with the characteristics of teams and how effective teams develop.